"for our special tonight, might we suggest the mel gibson pulled pork sandwich?"

for the love of all things decent in the world. at first i thought this had to be some sort of sick joke. but it turns out, for the moment, anyway, to be truth. seems some jamokes in mumbai have opened a nazi-themed restaurant called "hitler's cross" in the bustling city's financial district. think of it as an espn zone for white supremacists, complete with swaztikas and pictures of the fuhrer greeting you as you enter. they're justifying their blatant idiocy by saying they wanted to be a distinctive restaurant that stands out as something patrons will remember long after leaving. while it should be noted that the swaztika was appropriated by the nazi's from buddhism, this is no simple reclaimation of the religious symbol. it's more like a mind-boggling display of stupidity and ignorance.