a dick in more than just name only

no self-respecting republican should've been comfortable with how those oval office vulgarians lambasted Congressman Jack Murtha, calling him a Michael Moore liberal. who came up with that nugget of 4th grade recess name calling -- dubya or dick? either way, it was ridiculous (some gop congressional brownshirt even quoted a letter from a marine that said, in part, 'cowards cut and run, marines never do.' i doubt that any self-respecting marine would say that about a man like jack murtha.
vice-president cheney today came to his senses and distanced himself from his attacks on murtha and those who are debating the war(for context, watch the entirety of his speech at CNN.com). thanks for remembering this is america, dick, and not the corporate fascist halliburton subsidiary you wish it was.
now, shut the fuck up and find osama bin laden you goddamned snake oil salesman.
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