Worst Week Ever: The Indictment Vol. 1/No. 1

more on the g.dubya front. i. lewis "scooter" libby resigns as dick cheney's chief of staff just before his indictment on five counts is handed down by special prosecutor fitzgerald. turd blossom escaped the sinkhole for now, but will still be under investigation for some time.
and in what has become the bush administration's kneejerk response to any potentially damaging shit coming from the sphincter that is the current white house, dubya hit the road to deliver a speech on the war on terror.
"Now remember, kids. I'm the guy protecting you from the evildoers and other assorted terrorist folk traipsing 'round the hinterlands of afghanistan n' iraq. the only thing standing between al qaeda and your local wal*mart is me and my administration. 9/11. I'll say it again. 9/11."
meanwhile, harriet miers withdraws her nomination, making it possible for ann coulter to spew her venom towards the left once again. after having walked through that gauntlet of public humiliation en route to a confirmation hearing that never was to be, methinks dubya owes harriet miers an apology. ha ha ha. good luck.
oh yeah, 2000+ U.S. soldiers killed in iraq. exit strategy? yeah, right.
on the bright side: exxonmobil made more money in the last quarter than the world's largest company, general electric, made in all of last year. buy those oil stocks now, kids.
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